Full text of "Federal register [microform]"
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S = Not specified Industry in NAICS sector Specific to Census codes only P = Part of a NAICS code NAICS code split between two or more Census codes
KENYA PHNOM PENH CAMBODIA PORTAUPRINCE HAITI YAOUNDE CAMEROON IG Data Collection and Analysis I502 Case Assessment/Management/Disposition I510 I520 I530 I999 I000 ...
METAINF////EnglishCzech/# 505 + enfrdeno missing words .
This paper describes the results of a spatially dense anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) till fabric study of a single drumlin in the Weedsport Drumlin Field ...
prcs_pums_docs_2015_5yr/2011__pums_docs_2015_5yr/2015_5yr_PUMS__pums_docs_2015_5yr/2015GQ__pums_docs_2015 ...
Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing Metalworking machinery manufacturing ... 19645 East Longmeadow town 26675 .
A mineraloid is a minerallike substance that does not demonstrate crystallinity. Mineraloids possess chemical compositions that vary beyond the generally accepted ...
100 100. 102 102. 103 103. 109 109. 111 111. 113. 112 112. 114 114. 115 115. 116. 122 122. 123. 124 124. 125 125. 126. 128 128. 129 129. 130 130. 131. 142 142. 143 ...
Industry Hispanic Group Quarters ... Kenya Liberia Libya Morocco Nigeria Senegal Sierra Leone ... 19645 Chicopee city 13660 13485 Brimfield town
C : M36H ( 63 ) 1 17099, summary for 1963 ; prepared by Industry Division, Non metallic Minerals Section. Aug. 28, 1964. 5 p. 4° (Series M32C
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